Todo lo relacionado al poker online y un poco más, actualidad, artículos, diario y aprendizaje.
viernes, 4 de junio de 2010
2º Informe de Reto
Bueno nada, he jugado poquísimas manos, por falta de tiempo y cosas del trabajo, reuniones y cosas por el estilo. Pero al menos estoy recuperandome del mal inicio. Este fin de semana jugaré por los días perdidos.
I love to read this blog, impressive poker ramblings, musings and even the randomness is what attracts the most about this blog site, I would like to suggest you to add poker stars reviews, ratings and even update your blog about the poker tournaments being held worldwide as well as update your blog with the text poker news, including poker stars interviews and include poker playing tips and hints which would help you further take this blog to the very next level. Just a friendly suggestion
Its seriously nice reading your blog, it has such a useful information about poker and range of other subjects. Your knowledge, time and efforts are appreciated.
ResponderBorrarI love to read this blog, impressive poker ramblings, musings and even the randomness is what attracts the most about this blog site, I would like to suggest you to add poker stars reviews, ratings and even update your blog about the poker tournaments being held worldwide as well as update your blog with the text poker news, including poker stars interviews and include poker playing tips and hints which would help you further take this blog to the very next level. Just a friendly suggestion
Its seriously nice reading your blog, it has such a useful information about poker and range of other subjects. Your knowledge, time and efforts are appreciated.
Best regards,
Jugar Poker | Juega Poker
Thank You Natalia, but you can writte all, in spanish please, I do not comprend your suggest.